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PantaRei - UK Official & Exclusive Stockist

PantaRei - UK Official & Exclusive Stockist

We are pleased to announce that The Gentleman's Groom Room are the official and exclusive stockist of PantaRei products for the UK. Along with stocking the full range of PantaRei shaving soaps and aftershaves we have collaborated to bring you two bespoke brushes handmade and hand painted in Sicily by PantaRei for The Gentleman's Groom Room, our 'Lion Rampant' (black synthetic hair) shaving brush a tribute to the Scottish flag and our 'City of Dundee' (boar hair) shaving brush a tribute to The Gentleman's Groom Room's home City in Scotland and Dundee City's flag. Below are some images of the brushes and the knotting process. We will post an update when all products arrive in-store and have been added to our website.
