At The Gentleman`s Groom Room we do not track your actions across the internet, so we only use functional cookies necessary to the operation of our website.
Our cookies and their uses are outlined here:
Name | Usage |
__cfduid | This cookie is strictly necessary for Cloudflare's security features and cannot be turned off. Cloudflare is our CDN and protects our site from DDoS while also allowing the caching of assets such as images. |
guest_token | When you are not logged in this allows our system to track the contents of your shopping basket. |
_the_gentlemans_groom_room_session | This is our session cookie, it tracks your session as you make your way though our website. It acts as a key, allowing you access to your account pages and the checkout without having to login for every request. |
Cookies Policy v0.0.1 6th July 2018