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'The Caledonian' DE Safety Razor

'The Caledonian' DE Safety Razor

We have collaborated with a local Scottish artisan Steve Haden and are pleased to present 'The Caledonian' DE safety razor. This razor handle is handmade from ancient Caledonian Bog Oak and Scottish Stag Antler (naturally shed) the kiln dried Bog Oak for these handles has been carbon dated to 3,300BC. We decided to let the artisan work with the different wood forms/grains and to express himself on each individual piece therefore every handle is different, but all are very comfortable in hand. The open comb heads used for these razors are precision made by a reputable and respected manufacturer. £1 from the sale of these razors will go to help plant a tree at The Gentleman's Groom Room Corporate Grove with Trees For Life, dedicated to the restoration of the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands.
