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Sponsored By GIllette

THE GENTLEMAN'S GROOM ROOM THE UK'S FLAGSHIP SITE AND RETAIL SHOP FOR MEN'S GROOMING, PRODUCTS, ADVICE & INFORMATION are pleased to announce our partnership with Men's Life Today. Sponsored by Gillette, we're pleased to announce the newest section...Read more

Dundee Rep Ensemble - Sweeney Todd

2010 is the 10th anniversary year for the Dundee Rep Ensemble and The Gentleman's Groom Room were glad to help out when we got a call from the production team looking for some advice and tips for their forthcoming performance. With Ian Thomson the prop...Read more

Independent Retailer of the Year Award

Mr Ian Thomson Proprietor would like to thank our customers that nominated The Gentleman's Groom Room for the Independent Retailer of the Year Award. Organised by DD One in recognition of the developments made by the retail, leisure and business sector...Read more