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Captain Facwcett's Scapicchio Shaving Soap in Wooden Bowl

Captain Facwcett's Scapicchio Shaving Soap in Wooden Bowl

Captain Fawcett's collaboration Scapicchio luxury tallow based shaving soap. The name Scapicchio is synonymous with one of the world's oldest barber families. Signor Marco Scapicchio first opened his barbershop for business in 1820 and with artisan skills passed down though the generations, Captain Fawcett's collaboration with Luigi Scapicchio has produced this signature series Fig, Olive and Bay Rum scented shaving soap which pays homage to Luigi's great grandfather Vincenzo Scapicchio who emigrated to Chicago in 1910 and opened an Italian barbershop. Vincenzo was in time to become one of Al Capone's trusted personal barbers...but therein lies another story.
SKU: Captain Facwcett's Scapicchio Shaving Soap in Wooden Bowl