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Geo F Trumper Extract of Limes Cologne glass crown top bottle (splash) 100ml

Geo F Trumper Extract of Limes Cologne glass crown top bottle (splash) 100ml

Geo F Trumper Extract of Limes Cologne glass crown top bottle (splash) 100ml Geo F Trumper Extract of West Indian Limes Cologne is Trumpers best selling scent. This is a scent bursting with the tangy sharpness of tropical Limes. Trumpers Limes Cologne is a scent that is ideal for daily wear, and can also be pleasant when added to a bath, very popular particulary in the Spring/Summer months. Lanched by Geo F Trumper in 1880. Bright green bursts of life-force charge from the tangy sharpness of tropical Limes, while vibrant citrus flashes allow a gentleman's mind to surge with the majesty of life. And as every pore is infused with the zing and zest of freshly squeezed West Indian Limes, so an exhilarating thrill is marvelously bestowed. The Story Behind Trumpers Famous Pink Label, it has been asked so often, "why does Trumpers Extract of  Limes have a pink label?" During the Great War (1914-1918) supplies of the correct paper dried up and the only alternative available to Trumpers was pink, so pink it became and it has remained so ever since. The story does help to explain the Trumper Tradition, where a product such as Extract of Limes can be  of such excellent quality that it  has remained virtually unchanged since the famous pink label was first introduced. A Trumper original, zesty, refreshing and always a best seller at The Gentleman's Groom Room. This fragrance is known to be a favourite of Simon Cowell.
SKU: geo-f-trumper-extract-of-limes-cologne-glass-crown-top-bottle-splash-100ml
Taxonomies:  Cologne, Geo. F. Trumper