SOLD OUT - Many thanks to all who bought a Ltd Edition Royal Stag shaving brush. The Gentleman's Groom Room 'Royal Stag' Pure Badger Hair Shaving Brush, The Gentleman's Groom Room's latest collection of luxury shaving brushes have handles expertly hand crafted from Scottish stag antler which is collected following the rutting season. Traditional and unique due to the natural raw materials used, no two of our Scottish stag antler shaving brushes are identical. There are three new shaving brushes in our collection. The 'Royal Stag' - Scottish stag antler handle filled with pure badger hair. The 'Imperial Stag' - Scottish stag antler filled with Finest Badger hair, The 'Monarch Stag' - Scottish stag antler filled with Silvertip Badger hair. The names given to these wonderful hand crafted luxury shaving brushes refer to the number of points on the antlers of a Red Deer Stag. Our logo features on the base of the brush. Knot size 20mm x 50mm Bulb.